Serenity Prayer in Hindi:- Have you heard about Serenity prayer? If not, then in this article we are going to tell you in detail about Serenity prayer in Hindi. Serenity prayer is a prayer which was coined by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892. -1971)

If you adopt this prayer in your life then it can remove all the sorrows from your life. You must have heard about our famous motivational speaker Shri Sandeep Maheshwari. He has told about this prayer in one of his sessions.
You can see in this video below how Serenity Prayer brings changes in your life –
Serenity Prayer In Hindi –
“हे ईश्वर,
मुझे उन चीजों को स्वीकार करने के लिए शक्ति प्रदान करें
जिन्हें मैं बदल नहीं सकता,
और मैं जिन चीजों को बदल सकता हूँ
उसके लिए सदबुदि दो “
God grant me the serenity prayer in hindi –
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things
I cannot change,
courage to change the things
I can,and wisdom to
know the difference.”
So if you also have a desire to achieve something and you cannot achieve it under any circumstances, then it is the rule of the world that we can change some things and not others, so this is what is told in this prayer.
May God give us strength to accept those things which we cannot change and may God give us wisdom for the things which we can change. This is called the tranquility prayer in Hindi or God grant me the tranquility prayer in Hindi.
So, if you do the following good morning prayer in Hindi every morning, it will definitely generate a source of good thoughts in your life.
Good morning prayer in hindi
- हे ईश्वर हम सभी में अच्छाईयाँ जागृत हो,
प्रेम, सेवा, संयम, क्षमा, इत्यादि शुभ भावनाएँ हमारी संपत्ति हो,
आपकी कृपा से हमारी सारी शक्तियों का विकास हो,
हमारे भीतर सभी के लिए दया का भाव हो,
हमारी वाणी में मधुरता हो तथा दृष्टि में सभी जीवों के लिये प्यार हो।
- हे मेरे दाता…
हम अगर वो न कर सके
जो आप चाहते हैं,
तो कम से कम हमें इतनी
समझ जरूर देना,
कि हम वो तो कतई न करें
जो आप कभी नहीं चाहते हैं।
- हे ईश्वर! मुझे इतना भी नीचेन गिराना कि मैं पुकारूँऔर तू सुन न पाये औरइतना ऊपर भी न उठाना कितू पुकारे और मैं सुन न पाऊँ|
Friends although prayer can be done at any time and at any place but the prayer done in the morning fills our soul with peace and comfort and fills us with happiness the whole day.
So if you implement serenity prayer and other good morning prayers in Hindi completely in your life then surely there can be happiness in your life. We hope you must have liked this post about serenity prayer in Hindi so do share this post with your friends.
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